1.1 Scope of FprEN 1999-1-1(1) FprEN 1999-1-1 gives basic design rules for structures made of wrought aluminium alloys and limited guidance for cast alloys (see Clause 5 and Annex C).This document does not cover the following, unless otherwise explicitly stated in this document:- components with material thickness less than 0,6 mm;- welded components with material thickness less than 1,5 mm;- connections with:- steel bolts and pins with diameter less than 5 mm;- aluminium bolts and pins with diameter less than 8 mm;- rivets and thread forming screws with diameter less than 3,9 mm.1.2 Assumptions(1) In addition to the general assumptions of EN 1990 the following assumptions apply:- execution complies with EN 1090-3 and EN 1090-5;- the mechanical properties comply with the product standards listed in 5.2.2.(2) EN 1999 is intended to be used in conjunction with:- European Standards for construction products relevant for aluminium structures;- EN 1090-1, Execu