ÍST EN 13253:2016

Breyting á innskráningu

Kæru viðskiptavinir, Vegna breytinga hjá Ísland.is þarf Staðlaráð Íslands að skipta yfir í nýtt innskráningarkerfi í vefverslun sinni. Innskráningin sjálf breytist ekki að ráði og byggir áfram á notkun rafrænna skilríkja notenda en þau fyrirtæki sem hafa gefið starfsmönnum umboð vegna reikningsviðskipta eða áskriftarsamninga þurfa að endurnýja þau umboð í nýju kerfi. Eldra kerfi verður tekið úr sambandi 1. september og því mikilvægt að ráðast í nauðsynlegar breytingar strax til að tryggja hnökralausa aðlögun og koma í veg fyrir töf á viðskiptum. Leiðbeiningar um aðgerðir má finna hér.


Gildistaka - 15.2.2017

Íslenskt heiti:

Jarðvegsdúkar og tengdar vörur - Eiginleikar sem krafist er við gerð mannvirkja til varnar landeyðingu (sjóvarnargarðar, varnargarðar á bökkum áa og vatna)

Enskt heiti:

Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Characteristics required for use in erosion control works (coastal protection, bank revetments)


CEN/TC 189

ICS flokkur:




Umfang (scope):

This European Standard specifies the relevant characteristics of geotextiles and geotextile-related products used in erosion control works for preventing the migration of fine-graded material into layers of coarser material due to alternating hydraulic gradients, and the appropriate test methods to determine these characteristics. This European Standard covers applications in coastal protection and bank revetment. This European Standard does not cover surface erosion, where the geotextile or geotextile-related product is located at the surface. The intended use of these geotextiles or geotextile-related products is to fulfil one or more of the following functions: filtration, separation, and reinforcement. The separation function will always occur in conjunction with filtration or reinforcement, and hence will not be specified alone. This European Standard is not applicable to geosynthetic barriers, as defined in EN ISO 10318 1. This European Standard provides for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance of the product to this European Standard and for factory production control procedures. Particular application cases may contain requirements regarding additional properties and – preferably standardized – test methods, if they are technically relevant. This European Standard may be used to derive design values by taking into account factors within the context of the definitions given in EN 1997 1 (Eurocode 7), e.g. factors of safety. The design life of the product should be determined, since its function may be temporary, as a construction expediency, or permanent, for the lifetime of the structure. Particular application cases may contain requirements regarding additional properties and - preferably standardized - test methods, if they are technically relevant. This European Standard may be used to derive design values by taking into account factors within the context of the definitions given in EN 1997-1 (Eurocode 7), e.g. factors of safety. The design life of the product should be determined, since its function may be temporary, as a construction expediency, or permanent, for the lifetime of the structure.
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Mynd sem fylgir ÍST EN 13253:2014+A1:2015

ÍST EN 13253:2014+A1:2015

Jarðvegsdúkar og tengdar vörur - Eiginleikar sem krafist er við gerð mannvirkja til varnar landeyðingu (sjóvarnargarðar, varnargarðar á bökkum áa og vatna)
Verð: 9.426 kr.